Sunday, March 16, 2014

A little bit

How much have changed in  my last two years. I knew people that have influenced me so much and made me grow in every facet of my life, although I still keeping the same feelings that I have had during my entire life. Every change has come in a good way. If you asked me two years ago what I wanted to do after my graduation I had responded: I want to work with a big company that pay a good salary, but thanks to the divine glorious, my grades weren't so good  because I had very active college nights, too much parties in the week and I didn't take seriously my classes. I was an average student and after my graduation the companies where I sent my resume didn't see me like a potential worker. Jesus Christ, It was the best thing that happened to me now that I remember it,that has helped me to find myself and rethink what I really wanted. Now I'm here in California learning a lot of stuff, doing what I thought it is everyone mission in life, that we are here to make changes and impact others. I have met a lot of people with my same thoughts and feelings, I'm very happy because  that could help me to change and take initiative to help a lot of people in the future in my country. I have changed or maybe not, probably it just that I forgot to follow my path before and I found it again. Deep in my heart I know my potential and believe in me, I know everything is possible in this life and even I can learn to be a professional ballet dancer but don't worry I won't try that, I left that to other.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Without reason

I am here at Pizza Rock waiting for our lunch. I am hearing all my team talking and I feel so lucky of being here in this right moment sharing with this amazing people. I appreciate this moment because I can't know if it is my last moment of happiness. This is why I learned to appreciate every moment no matter if I'm quiet or talking. We don't know that life can take a movement of 180° or worst, we could die on every moment. I'm not worried about dying, I'm worried I won't enjoy every moment, won't get up quickly when I fail and won't take opportunities.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

First Week of Changes

I'm seeing how  my days are changing, I have made some new friends, I can't see my family as much as I want to, my country only lives on my mind and always in my heart. I miss something but I don't know what it is, perhaps it is because I am able to express myself better in my own language, it's very hard to me when I can't express my thoughts as well as I want to. Sometimes I feel like a dumb person and I hate that feeling, I'm here now so I can't complain about it, but I can fix it and improve myself every single day, I'm sure of that because I have the tools to do it. I have a truly great Team Leader, amazing Teammates and my own motivation.